Automated End-to-End Testing

What is Satori CI?

We perform automated testing of software and systems in our platform at the OS level independently of the programming languages or the systems being used. Satori brings the truth to the surface about the assertions made. 

Why use it?

Our goal is to help people make less mistakes with their software and systems. We come from a security background, so we get it. You need to be safe and Satori is trustworthy. You want to know that your code, your software and your testing data is safe.  

We don’t keep copies of your code, and we will not keep results if you don’t want us to do it. Reports and outputs can be automatically and completely eliminated once you’re done. If your settings indicate that your report or output are false, we will only share it with you once on synchronous executions, and we will immediately delete the data. We respect privacy.

You will spend less time manually checking what your program does because your programs are going to be executed thousands of times. Everyone can do it in different environments; we can take care of that as well.  

It all comes down to a single piece of software that is being checked statically and dynamically to know if it fails or passes your assertions.

What makes Satori special? 

There is no software in the market that performs this level of testing with the complexity that can evolve from attacking the root of languages. It is without borders what this tool can do when it comes to testing. Programming languages are powerful, but they cannot test themselves when the environment is not working. Much less decoupled from the software, running at the OS level and not at the shell level.   

Satori performs an independent execution that returns the assertion of a behavior with certain parameters, so you can tell that it behaves according to what you were expecting. At the top of the testing pyramid there is much more than just return codes. 

Satori is a solid, strong, valuable, sufficient, and self-understanding system that allows companies to test if things are failing according to the assertions that they want to make about their software or the behavior of their systems with the plan to cross-communicate parts of the industry within it.  

Who is Satori for?  

  • For the Open Software Community,
  • Developers,
  • Automation Testers,
  • DevSecOps,
  • Security Consultants,
  • Researchers,
  • IT,
  • CISOs,
  • CTOs, and
  • CEOs. 

A single platform and language to communicate how the testing of software and systems goes within an organization for all the different stakeholders across their different environments.

Technical details 

Satori-CI is an automated testing platform that integrates with your CI process to simplify your software and system testing. We perform static and dynamic tests with your on-prem resources locally and our on-demand cloud platform remotely to assert how your code and systems behave. 

We are agnostic to programming languages and we do not deploy agents. Satori uses playbooks where assertions are made about how your executions should be. Use our public playbook library to import and expand with additional tests that you may require. 

Our tests can be executed whenever you push code, at a certain frequency or on demand. 

Types of testing

·      CI: We connect to continuous integration services as a DevSecOps model. We are capable of performing static analysis of source code, to check when building the software everything returns the expected code and when running the software the behavior of the outputs and errors can be asserted. 

·      Run on Demand: The same language used to build the continuous integration playbooks can be used to run on demand. This is useful when checking local code or live systems for specific reasons. You can also use our public repository of playbooks with your own parameters to test live systems and scan code repositories.

 ·      Monitor: When tests need to run with a certain frequency, a rate can be defined as a setting for them. This will allow monitoring using our platform and visualize behavior throughout time using our CLI with `satori-cli monitor`, Web or using third-party tools such as Grafana.

How to install Satori CLI for free with a Token
How to setup Satori CI for free to test your Github repositories

Want more?

Check our documentation that contains multiple examples on how you can check your software and your live systems using Satori.

Join us on Discord or send us an email to talk to us.