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Satori CI GitHub App Installation Guide

  • GitHub account
  • Administrative access to target repositories
Step 1: Start Installation

Click the "Install Satori CI App" button on the GitHub Apps page.

Install Satori CI App
Step 2: Select Account

Choose the GitHub account or organization where you want to install Satori CI.

  • Ensure you have the necessary installation permissions
  • Verify you're logged into the correct account
Step 3: Configure Repository Access

Select repository access options:

  • All Repositories: Provide access to every repository
  • Specific Repositories: Manually select individual repositories
Step 4: Complete Installation

Review your selections and click the Install button to finalize.

Important Notes:
  • You can modify app permissions later in GitHub settings
  • Recommended: Start with limited repository access
  • Confirm the app's access scope before installation

Authorize Satori CI to use Github Authorization Token(Optional)

To increase the rate limit for our for scans tasks, you can authorize Satori CI to use a custom token:

Authorize Satori to use Github

Checkout our documentation for more details.

Select playbooks to install in your account

These playbooks will be executed with each push you make

Select one or more playbooks

You can later manage or add more playbooks to your repositories (see step-4 to configure satori-cli):

List public playbooks:

satori playbooks --public

List playbooks associated to your repositories:

satori repos playbook

Add global playbook:

satori repos playbook add satori://{name}

Remove global playbook:

satori repos playbook del satori://{name}

Configure your email to receive notifications

You can add multiple emails separated by commas

Configure Satori-CLI

Copy and paste these commands into your console:

pip install satori-ci
satori config token 

Execute your first test with Satori-CLI

Create a .satori.yml file, inside a folder of your election, with this content:

  assertStdoutEqual: "Hello world!\n"
  assertReturnCode: 0

    - echo Hello world!

Then run your first playbook with:

satori local ./ --report --output
# Or you can run on our servers with:
satori run ./ --report --output

This is going to to upload your folder (./) and execute a playbooks ".satori.yml" if found. This is useful for running tests on your code.

If you prefer to run the playbook directly without uploading your folder content, use this command:

satori local .satori.yml --report --output
# Or:
satori run ./ --report --output
Need More Information?

For comprehensive details about Satori CI, its features, configuration options, and best practices, please check out our official documentation. Our documentation provides in-depth guides, troubleshooting tips, and advanced configuration instructions to help you make the most of Satori CI in your development workflow.

View Documentation